30 Days Wild – Day 12 Long Grass

grass  sunpic

Today I managed to haul myself down to the Festival of Nature in town. It was very interesting – amazing how many wildlife and nature groups there are in this city. Although I suppose as we’re the home of the BBC Wildlife Unit we should have lots. On the way home I walked back through the park – appropriately as I had spent some time talking to the woman on the Parkhive stall. We have some fantastic parks in Bristol, and one of the best is Victoria Park on my doorstep. The council are experimenting with leaving big swathes of the grass in the park to grow wild, it has looked lovely recently with banks of buttercups growing up the hill. I picked some of the park grass to make this picture using sun sensitive paper. I’ve used it before, but have seen some lovely ones on the 30 days Wild Facebook page, and it inspired me. Dead easy to do, and not just for kids! I’ve added a touch of yellow to the middle of the daisy (from the garden).

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